Sony NEX-5R vs NEX-5T - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Sony NEX-5R vs Sony NEX-5T to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: 3D, low light performance and best price ... “This combination of Renaissance Faire and photo stats sets our nerdy hearts aflutter. Now, have at you
Sony NEX-5T vs NEX-5R - Camera Rocket We put the 16 MP Sony NEX-5T to the test against its predecessor the NEX-5R to find out if its worth the upgrade. ... video NEX-5T vs NEX-5R Video 1920 x 1080 @ 60 fps (17 Mbps, AVCHD, MPEG-4) 1920 x 1080 @ 60 fps Shoots video in 24p Yes Yes
Specifications - Sony NEX-5R vs Sony NEX-5T View all the technical specifications of the Sony NEX-5R vs the Sony NEX-5T side by side, including details about the sensor, form factor, lens, movie capability and more.
Sony NEX-5T Versus Sony NEX-5R: Practically identical ... 2013年11月18日 - Put side-by-side with its predecessor using a similar sensor, the NEX-5T achieves the same overall DxOMark score and identical scores for ...
Sony NEX-5T 發表:是NEX-5R 的升級版,還新增NFC 近場通訊 ... 2013年8月27日 - 網上流傳已久的Sony NEX 系列新成員NEX-5T 終於正式發布了,其規格配備基本上 ...
Sony單眼相機- SONY NEX-5R 5T 猶豫中> < - 相機討論區- Mobile01 原本一直想購入SONY NEX 5R但最近又出了5T一再猶豫要購入哪台.....我主要是想 要有wifi...
Sony單眼相機- 女生寫文章拍穿搭微單眼選擇NEX5R/NEX5T/NEX6/NEX7 - 相 ... 我自己本身原本是用EX1相機拍食物,以及一些穿搭照,可是發現色彩並沒有這麼 鮮艷好看!!!!!!!本...
Sony NEX-5T Versus Sony NEX-5R: Practically identical ... - DxOMark 18 Nov 2013 ... Put side-by-side with its predecessor using a similar sensor, the NEX-5T achieves the same overall DxOMark score and identical scores for ...
Sony NEX-5T 發表:是NEX-5R 的升級版,還新增NFC 近場通訊功能 ... 2013年8月27日 ... 網上流傳已久的Sony NEX 系列新成員NEX-5T 終於正式發布了,其規格配備基本上 與NEX-5R 相似,主要亮點在於加入NFC近場連線功能,還在 ...